Group 6

Financial Wellness
& Mental Health

“Mental Health Cost Me Lots of Relationships!”
“Nobody Cares That I Don’t Have the Money.”
“Basketball Helped Me to Cope Mentally. What Do I Do Now?”
“Mental Health Cost Me Lots of Relationships!”
“Nobody Cares That I Don’t Have the Money.”
“Basketball Helped Me to Cope Mentally. What Do I Do Now?”
18% of people with mental health problems are in problem debt

According to Money and Mental Health Policy Institute

72% of adults said their mental health made their financial situation worse

According to Money and Mental Health Policy Institute

Your Mental Health is Critical to Your Career and Your Earnings

Simone Biles opens up about her mental health post-Olympics
October 22, 2021
NFL Players Tackle Mental Health Challenges
July 14, 2021
Naomi Osaka: 'It's O.K. Not to Be O.K.'
July 8, 2021
Delonte West and his public struggle with bipolar disorder
July 28, 2022

Financial Wellness

Financial wellness is what we offer. Programming that looks to uncover your true connection to money and help you shape your boundaries around its overall place in your life. Our offerings will lead to you to a better understanding of your financial triggers, ways to navigate financial ups and downs and most importantly how to be an advocate for your own mental health when it comes addressing financial issues from both a personal and professional standpoint.

There is growing evidence that suggests a direct correlation between financial literacy, or lack thereof, and mental health within highly successful individuals. Some of the potential correlations include financial stress, impulsive spending, financial exploitation, relationships, marriage, drugs and gambling addictions, retirement planning and overall self-worth. Edyoucore’s targeted approach to financial literacy and mental wellness will have a positive impact on the professional lives, overall mental health and well-being of highly successful individuals.

Get Started Today
Group 8

Our Mental Health Offerings

Don’t Let Money Fool Ya

Money Disorders? Is that a real thing? Absolutely. This intriguing session analyzes patterns developed with spending habits and the links those behaviors have to mental wellness. We will outline distorted money beliefs and their effects on mental wellness.

Keep Your Head in the Game

“Pro”-Action Against the Gateways to Mental Health Issues”: Understanding behaviors, triggers, and symptoms of common adverse adjustment and mental health disorders in the professional athletic community. A lesson sharing insightful introductions to the potential challenges that open doors to these disorders and a value-added bonus that kills the stigma to give players the push to seek help when needed - constructively & confidentially yielding peak performance.

No. Is a Complete Sentence

Creating Authentic Connections & Healthy Boundaries. Professional Athletes are pulled in many different directions. Preventing unnecessary distractions is possible by being pro-active with setting boundaries and fostering healthy relationships. The goal is to teach professionals how to intercept potential stressors, financial setbacks, and intervene common symptoms of mental health concerns to streamline focus on top priorities.

The Post Game Show

The Secret to Successful Transition out of the NBA. A powerful and eye-opening, self-reflection to prepare professional athletes to recognize the pros and cons of how the dominating role, "athlete” plays in their future. This roadmap will create drive for players to gather tools to stimulate emotional wellness, expand their focus, and transition confidently into a fulfilling life after sports.


Take control of your financial future now.

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